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API Reference

Our API can be accessed from our domain at these endpoints.


Our Events are JSON Objects that contain basic information about any upcoming trips. The fields of this object are listed below, along with their types and hyperparameters:

Parameter Type Description
title String The title of an event. Default: “”
startDate Date The date of the event.
passengerList Array Array of User Objects.
departure Object Contents specified below. required.
destination Object Contents specified below. required.
owner User The owner of the event. required.
notes String Any notes by the owner. Default: “”
capacity Number The total capacity of the event. required.

Departure Object:

Parameter Type Description
name String Name of the departure location. required.
address String Address of the departure location.
location Array Array of numbers (2) to specify the coordinates.

Destination Object:

Parameter Type Description
name String Name of the destination location. required.
address String Address of the destination location.
location Array Array of numbers (2) to specify the coordinates.

Event Routing

Here is a summary of all of our routes for events. Note that all of these events are exclusive to requests with a bearer token.

Request Route Auth Description
GET /api/events Bearer Token Gets a list of events with specified filter.
GET /api/events/:id Bearer Token Gets the event specified.
GET /api/events/joined Bearer Token Gets a list of events joined by the token user.
POST /api/events Bearer Token Creates a new event with the params.
DELETE /api/events/:id Bearer Token Deletes the event specified.
PUT /api/events/:id Bearer Token Updates the event specified.

Requests & Responses:

GET /api/events

(All optional parameters for search)
req =  { title, start, end, departure, destination, notes }
Code Response
200 Array of Event Objects
403 Invalid/missing token
GET /api/events/joined

Code Response
200 Array of Event Objects joined by token user
403 Invalid/missing token
GET /api/events/:id

req.params = { id }
Code Response
200 Single Event Object
403 Invalid/missing token
404 Error: event does not exist
POST /api/events

req.body = { title, startDate, departure, owner, notes, capacity }
Code Response
201 Single Event Object posted successfuly
400 Error: No departure specified
400 Error: No destination specified
400 Error: Capacity less than 2
400 Error: Event must be in this or next year
400 Error: Must be day in advance
400 Error: Notes more than 250 char
400 Error: Title more than 50 char
400 Error: Inappropriate title
400 Error: Inappropriate destination
400 Error: Inappropriate departure
403 Invalid/missing token
DELETE /api/events/:id

req.params = { id }
Code Response
200 Single Event Object deleted sucessfully
403 Error: Event still has passengers
403 Invalid/missing token
404 Error: event does not exist
PUT /api/events/:id

req.params = { id }
Code Response
200 Single Event Object updated successfully
400 Error: user already registered
400 Error: add and remove simultaneous call
400 Error: user not registered
400 Error: User updating event not provided
400 Error: Capacity less than 2
400 Error: Inappropriate title
400 Error: Inappropriate destination
400 Error: Inappropriate departure
400 Error: Inappropriate note
400 Error: Event must be in this or next year
400 Error: Must be day in advance
403 Error: Only owner can update event
403 Invalid/missing token
403 Error: event already expired
403 Error: event in less than 24 hours
404 Error: event does not exist


Our Users are JSON Objects that contain information extracted from SSO and the events that the users own/joined. None of these routes (except PUT) can actually be accessed by users, as they are only for administrative purposes. The fields of this object are listed below, along with their types and hyperparameters:

Parameter Type Description
jhed String JHED of a user. required. unique.
email String Email of a user. required. unique.
username String Username of a user. required. unique.
isAdmin Boolean Self-explanatory. required. defalult:false
eventsOwned Array Array of Event Objects. required.
eventsJoined Array Array of Event Objects. required.
subscribed Boolean Subscribed to email notifications. required.
venmo String Venmo username. required.

User Routing

Request Route Auth Description
GET /api/users Admin Gets a list of all users.
GET /api/users Bearer Token Gets the user specified.
POST /api/users Admin Creates a new user with the params.
DELETE /api/users/:id Admin Deletes the user specified.
PUT /api/users/:id Bearer Token Updates the user specified.
GET /api/users/all

Code Response
200 Array of User objects
403 Invalid/missing token
500 Invalid authorization
GET /api/users

Code Response
200 Single User object
403 Invalid/missing token
404 No user with ID
POST /api/users

req.body = { username, jhed, email }
Code Response
201 Single User object
400 Error: Missing/invalid jhed
400 Error: Missing username
400 Error: Missing email
400 Error: Missing venmo username
400 Error: Profane username
400 Error: Username over 20 characters
403 Invalid/missing token
DELETE /api/users/:id

Code Response
200 Single User object
403 Invalid/missing/unauthorized token
500 Invalid authorization
PUT /api/users/

Code Response
200 Single User object
400 Error: Missing username
400 Error: Profane username
403 Invalid/missing token


Our SSO utilizes 4 endpoints, three for authentication with an external server (JHU) and one for token verification.

SSO Routing

Here is a summary of all our routes for SSO and tokenization.

Request Route Auth Description
GET /jhu/metadata None Gives the XML file for SAML2 trust exchange.
GET /jhu/login None Redirects the user to JHU’s SSO service.
POST /jhu/login/callback None Callback from JHU’s SSO service.
POST /verify None Verifies the token given from body params.
GET /jhu/metadata

Code Response
200 XML file returned successfully.
GET /jhu/login


GET /jhu/login/callback


GET /verify

req.body = { token }
Code Response
200 Verification successful.
403 Invalid or expired token.