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Code Style Guidelines

Indentation / Brackets

  • All code or structures which are naturally contained within another should be indented with a tab.

      <Grid container>
          <Grid item>
  • Follow “The One True Brace Style”

      function foo() {
          console.log(“Hello world!”);

Naming Conventions

  • Use lowerCamelCase for variables and UpperCamelCase for class names.

  • Use CONSTANT_CASE for constants and environment variables.


  • All files in a folder should be related or have a similar purpose.

  • File names should not repeat information provided by folder name.

| –> Calendar.js (not MobileCalendar.js)
| –> Filter.js (not MobileFilter.js)


  • Add spacing between function parameters.


  • Use comments to explain code which cannot be written more clearly.

  • Use comments to more clearly indicate different sections of code.

Javascript Specifics

  • Use semicolons wherever possible.

  • Use double quotes (“), not single quotes (‘).

  • When destructuring an object, add spaces before the first variable and after the last.

      const { firstName, lastName } = student;
  • If an event handler is used only once and not particularly long or complex, use an inline arrow function

      onClick={() => navigate(“/login”)}


  • Code should be organized into the following sections:

    1. External Imports (no comment)
    2. Local Imports (// local)
    3. CSS Imports (// styles)
    4. Constants (// constants)
    5. Global Variables (// global) <– try to avoid if possible
    6. Component Definition (no comment)
    7. Props Destructuring (no comment)
    8. Hooks (// hooks)
    9. States (// states)
    10. Effects (// effects)
    11. Functions (// functions)
    12. Return (no comment)
    13. Prop Types (no comment)