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Social Media Guidelines

These are strict rules that dictate how we ( as an organization behave when interacting with public-facing media. These media include (and are not limited to) Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Reddit, poster boards, flyers, business cards, etc. As a preface, leads are allowed to modify these rules at any given time if deemed necessary with approval from another lead.

Our value proposition for public-facing media is that of respect and cost-saving. Any infringement of this value proposition directly goes against our beliefs as an organization, and such action will not represent the voice of the entire organization. If an infringement is discovered, the person who made such infringement will undergo severe consequences, likely expulsion from the team.

Infringements are defined as follows:

  1. Remarks that are biased. This is a hard rule. No attempt at humor, self-identification, or light-heartedness will excuse any individual of these remarks. These include:
    1. Racist, classist, ageist, elitist, or other remark that may be offensive to individuals by any personal identifiers, which include race, creed, origin, sex, gender, ethnicity, and religion.
    2. Political remarks. When interacting with public-facing media, you may not make any remarks that hint, suggest, or directly state any affiliation with a political ideology, doctrine, or belief. For example, a graphic of a political individual/group in any context (meme, infographic, cartoon) is not allowed, as it may appear in favor or opposition to said individual/group. Refrain from making any comments, and if directly asked, avert the answer. For the purpose of this section, cost-saving is not a political ideology.
    3. Remarks that favor certain individuals. Basically, don’t follow/subscribe to/connect with any individual person.
  2. Remarks that lack respect. This is a hard rule. No attempt at humor, self-identification, or light-heartedness will excuse any individual of these remarks. These include:
    1. Remarks that question the integrity, validity, or otherwise demean individuals. As a rule of thumb, “be nice, no matter who.” Even if an individual directly insults, demeans, or expresses any form of distaste for our organization, do not attempt to make any “comebacks”, “sassy comments”, “clapbacks”, or any other form of retort as an attempt to demean the individual.
    2. Remarks that are not, in nature, positive. All interactions with the public-facing media must be positive and in line with our image as an exciting startup company. Any form of negativity is not permissible. Neutral comments that attempt to clarify or answer questions must be packaged as positively as possible. If interactions are unnecessarily short (one word replies), use widely inconsistent syntax, or no attempt is made for positivity, it will be considered a violation of this section.